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Before Your Surgery

Arrival – Please plan to arrive at least two hours prior to your scheduled procedure time.

Transportation – Verify your prearranged transportation home. Confirm the time and place for pick-up. You must be accompanied by a vested adult.

Clothing and Make-up – Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to the hospital. Do not wear make-up, nail polish or jewelry to the hospital.

Medical Guidelines – Unless otherwise directed, you should take your usual medications the day of surgery. Pills may be taken with a sip of water.

Tobacco – Do not smoke or chew tobacco the day of surgery.

Personal Items – Bring your insurance card, a complete list of medications currently being taken, X-rays and mammograms with you. Also, bring your eyeglass case, contact lens case and solution, hearing aids and dentures.

Valuables – DO NOT BRING money, jewelry, watches, cellular phones or other valuables. The hospital does not replace or reimburse for such lost or missing items.

Cellular Phones – Please remember that the use of cellular phones is prohibited inside the hospital, as they cause interference with the electronic equipment.

Waiting Room – Family and friends are welcome to stay in the waiting room. While there, they will be informed when your surgery is complete and when you have been moved to the recovery room. They will be notified of your room number if you are admitted to the hospital.